Meet Prof. Holloway

James B. Duke Emerita Professor of English & African American Studies
Professor of Law & Author

Professor Holloway is James B. Duke Emerita Professor of English, African-American Studies, and Professor of Law at Duke University. Her classrooms and scholarship focused on literature, law, and bioethics.

Professor Holloway’s most recent novel, Gone Missing in Harlem (Triquarterly, 2021), a Publisher’s Weekly Starred  Review, joined her Harlem Renaissance series that began with A Death in Harlem (2019). Eight academic books marked her scholarly career; notably BookMarks: Reading in Black & White (Rutgers 2006), completed during her 2005 Bellagio Residency, ​and Passed On: African American Mourning Stories (DukePress 2002). Since becoming a Professor Emerita, this Duke University distinguished professor of African American cultural studies, bioethics and law indulges in writing the kinds of fiction her own book club of 30+ years enjoys. 

The Thursday Lady (rep'd by @McKinnonLit) is Karla's generous gift to book club readers whose meetings combine deep discussion, loving communities, and nuanced conversations about current affairs. In this “Betwixt & Between" novel, troubling concerns about contemporary politics and values are nudged from fiction to fact when an elderly member of one District of Columbia book club is provoked to a stunning response to the state of the nation. Aurelia Wynter’s decision sets off a national crisis when the Supreme Court Justice she works for is found in his study, full-on dead.